
Deriving of Segment Value from DFF for Liability Account through Mapping Set - Custom SLA


Requirement: Business requires to do "Location Wise Accounting" for which they are using the "Future" Segment. Business wants to open a DFF at AP Invoice Header Level and update the future segment of "Liability Account" as per value entered in the DFF.

Here we are going to achieve this requirement through Custom SLA in which we are going to use Mapping Set and map the Value Set of Future Segment to the Value Set used in Invoice Header DFF.

Here I am not going to show the detailed setups of Custom SLA and only the setups required for the above requirement.
To understand the step by step process for Custom SLA Setups. (Click Here)

Before starting setups for Custom SLA we need to know about "Automatic Offset Method" in Payables Option. We have three types of method against which our liability account generate the code combinations. In Custom SLA setup we will use only that "Line Type" for liability account on which Automatic Offset Method is set to.

To understand the "Automatic Offset Method" and its accounting impact on Liability Account in detail. (Click Here

Here we are using it as "None"

Open a DFF at AP Invoice Header Level.

Add DFF "Location"

Now create a mapping set through which we are going update the Future Segment of Liability Account.

Here in Input we will use the value set which we have assigned in the DFF and in Output we will use the segment on which the value should be update which creating Liability Account Code Combination.

In Mapping Set Values we select Value Type as Input and on the basis of that "Input Value" populate values from the value set values of DFF and "Output Value" will populate the values from the value set assigned in the COA Future Segment.

Now create a Custom Application Accounting Definition.

Click on Event Class "Invoice" and then click in "Journal Line Definition"

Here as per "Automatic Offset Method" we will choose "Liability, Basic" and disable the same create a new "Line Type" by Copying and adding the same in Line Assignments.

Click in "Account Derivation Rule" and add a new record.

Give appropriate Rule Code and Name then select your COA and select the output type "Segment" and use the "Future" Segment.

 In priorities select value type as Mapping Set and select the mapping set which we created earlier. 

In "Input Source" use the attribute which we used in AP Invoice Header Level DFF.

Save & Close

In Account Derivation Rule add new line and select the Segment for which you have created the ADR and select the rule which you have created in the previous step. 

Save & Close.

Validate the Application Accounting Definition and attach the same in Sub-Ledger Accounting Method and then attach it to the Ledger.

AP Invoice Transaction

Sub Ledger Transactions ID's which links to SOURCE_ID_INT_1 in XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES Table in GL


All Sub Ledger Transactions whether AP or AR goes to General Ledger XLA Tables after submission accounting event.
Below are the links thorough which you can find the data of Sub-Ledger in XLA Tables.






Here from XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES you can note "ENTITY_ID" and find the events in "XLA_EVENTS"

Reconcile Checkbox - GL Account Code Combinations

Functionality of "Reconcile" in Oracle is mainly used by business to check reconciliation between there parking accounts which means debit and credit of a natural account which impacts is nullifying of entries.

Here we are taking an example of "Expense AP Accrual" Account which is parking account.

First we enable segment qualifier of  "Reconcile" to "Yes".

SAVE and Submit the below program for updating the impact at all Code Combination Level.

Check that it has been updated at GL Accounts Code Combination Form.

Now pass journal entries in which natural account is debited and credited.

After this we will go to Reconciliation Form as shown below

Here you can search with particular periods and particular combinations 

Click on the checkbox and then click on Reconcile Button.

After that you can all the reconciled entries with a standard program.

"Reconciliation - Reconciled Transactions"

Preserved Checkbox - GL Account Code Combinations


The functionality of "Preserved" checkbox on GL Account Code Combination form is used to maintain the attributes of a code combination when there is any change at segment value level.

Here we are taking an example of a particular natural account in which we update the segment qualifier 'Allow Budgeting' & 'Allow Posting' to "NO" and check the impact.


Enable the "Preserve" checkbox and SAVE

Update the Segment Qualifier for the Natural Account.


After then run 'Program - Inherit Segment Value Attributes'. Purpose of running of this program is to update the attributes in code combinations at bulk level.

Now check the GL Account Form.

Here Qualifiers are updated for those on which Preserved Checkbox is not ticked.

Now test both scenarios in which qualifiers is active and disabled and see the standard error system gives.

Journal Posted for which Qualifiers are active.

Here system throws error that Posting is not allowed for the segment used in Code Combination.

Automatic Offset Method - Payables Option

Automatic Offsets in Payables automatically balances the distribution that crosses the liability account by creating offset accounting entries for each balancing segment.
It consist of three methods as shown below.

1. None: In this type system will create Intercompany entries on the basis of different balancing segment for Charge Account at Distribution Level and Liability Account.

2. Balancing: In this type system will automatic balance the balancing segment and no intercompany entry will be generated.

3. Account: In this type system will replicate all the values from Expense Account to Liability Account except Natural Segment. Here also Intercompany entries will not be generated.